CakePHP 3.x User Management Premium Plugin Version 3.2.x
Version 3.2.0 Release Date: 18-Oct-2016
Bug Fixes and Improvement Table
From Version | To Version | Changes Date | Links |
3.2.0 | 3.2.1 | 06-Aug-2017 | View |
3.2.1 | 3.3.0 | 05-Jul-2018 | View |
Plugin Version- 3.2.0 to 3.2.1
Date: 06-Aug-2017
Please keep backup of your code before replacing the files. Either you can replace existing files or do changes in existing code as per new changes.
You can download the old version 3.2.0 and make a difference with your application code using Kdiff3 software and record your changes done in plugin files.
we have done few changes in 3.2.1 version. You need to migrate user management plugin version from 3.2.0 to 3.2.1 in following steps...
1. Open plugins\Usermgmt\src\Controller\UserGroupPermissionsController.php
Go to getPermissions function
Replace $this->response->body($permissions);
2. Open plugins\Usermgmt\src\Controller\UsersController.php
Go to deleteUser function
Add following lines with other delete calls
Go to deleteAccount function
Add following lines with other delete calls
3. Open plugins\Usermgmt\src\Model\Behavior\SearchingBehavior.php
go to case 'select': in switch case please add following code after 'comma' code
case 'null':
if($searchValue == 'NULL') {
$conditions[] = $realSearchField.' IS NULL';
} else if($searchValue == 'NOT_NULL') {
$conditions[] = $realSearchField.' IS NOT NULL';
4. Open plugins\Usermgmt\src\Template\Users\edit_user.ctp
Go to gender radio input and remove form-control class so input should look like
<?php echo $this->Form->input('Users.gender', ['type'=>'radio', 'label'=>false, 'div'=>false, 'options'=>$genders]);?>
5. Open plugins\Usermgmt\src\Template\Users\login.ctp
$userEntity['remember'] = true;
change it to
$userEntity['remember'] = false;
6. Open plugins\Usermgmt\src\View\Helper\UserAuthHelper.php
Go to HP function,
Replace following code
if(empty($this->permissions)) {
$this->permissions = $this->view->requestAction(['controller' => 'UserGroupPermissions', 'action' => 'getPermissions', 'plugin'=>'Usermgmt']);
with following code
if(empty($this->permissions)) {
$this->permissions = $this->view->requestAction(['controller' => 'UserGroupPermissions', 'action' => 'getPermissions', 'plugin'=>'Usermgmt']);
if(!is_array($this->permissions)) {
$this->permissions = json_decode($this->permissions, true);
7. Go to plugins\Usermgmt\vendor
Replace Facebook, Google, recaptcha, twitter vendor files with latest version files
Plugin Version- 3.2.1 to 3.3.0
Date: 05-Jul-2018
This 3.3.0 has major changes as per latest CakePHP changes, we cannot describe all changes here step by step. You should diff both versions using Kdiff software and do manually changes.
We have release 3.3.0 version in Twitter Bootstrap 4.x as well.