+91 99276-99286

CakePHP 2.x User Management Premium Plugin Version 2.2.x

Site Configurations

This plugin provides all settings or configurations database driven. You need not to touch PHP code for any change in settings. All settings are avaiable at http://yourdomain/allSettings We have following settings which are database driven-

1. Default Time Zone Identifier
I know CakePHP users are word wide with different Time Zones So this plugin provides you timezone setting from Admin interface.

2. Your Site Name
You can set your Site Name which is used in Mails going from your site.

3. New Registration Restriction
At any time you can dis-allow users to register i.e. New registrations will be blocked. Users will not be able to register on your site. You can resume registration functionality by changing setting as well.

4. Allow Users To Delete Account
You can allow or dis-allow users to delete their account from your site.

5. Send Registration Mail After User Registration
This setting gives you the option to send or not to send Registration Mail after user's registration.

6. Send Password Change Mail After User changed password
This setting gives you the option to send or not to send Password change confirmation Mail after user changed his/her password.

7. Verification User's Email Address
This is up to you whether you want verify user's Email Address or not. If you set Yes then plugin will send emails verification mail and ask to user verify email address by clicking the link in the email. User will not be able to login without email verification. However Admin can also verify user's email address from All Users page. If you set No then plugin will not send any verification mail rather than it marks email as verified.

8. Site Email Address
Here you can enter the email address by which you want to send emails to user from site like registration, forgot password mail etc.

9. Email From Name
Here you can enter the email from name by which you want to send emails to user from site like registration, forgot password mail etc.

10. Allow/Dis-allow users to change their username
You can allow or dis-allow users to change their username on your site.

11. Banned Usernames
You can set usernames which you want to set as banned usernames on your site for e.g. Super Admin, Administrator.

12. Captcha support on Registration Form
Captcha functionality on registration form is optional you can change this from Admin settings page. I am using Google Recaptcha in this plugin.

13. Google Recaptcha Private Key
Enter here Google recaptcha private key for more information go to this article How to get Recaptcha keys for CakePHP 2.x User Management Plugin.

14. Google Recaptcha Public Key
Enter here Google recaptcha public key for more information go to this article How to get Recaptcha keys for CakePHP 2.x User Management Plugin.

15. Enter URL where user will be redirected after login
You can set a URL on which user will be redirected after login for example /dashboard.

16. Enter URL where user will be redirected after logout
You can set a URL on which user will be redirected after logout for example /login.

17. Do you Want to enable permissions for users?
You can set all site pages as public or not. If you are using this plugin so you will never go for all pages as public. I recommend, set it Yes for checking permissions on all pages. You can set permission of all pages for all groups on Permissions Page.

18. Do you want to check permissions for Admin?
Here you can set restrictions for admin as well. Set Yes for checking permissions for Admin and No for not checking.

19. Enter default group id for user registration
You must set default group id for registration. By default user have no option to select group on registration so default group id is needed to set. Please go to All Groups Page to choose default group id.

20. Enter Admin Group Id
You must set Admin group id for checking IS ADMIN LOGGED IN. Basically plugin cannot determine who is Admin. Please go to All Groups Page to choose admin group id.

21. Enter Guest Group Id
You must set Guest group id for checking IS GUEST. Basically plugin cannot determine what is guest group id for checking guest permissions. Please go to All Groups Page to choose guest group id.

22. Want to use Facebook Connect on your site?
You can set here whether you want to use facebook connect or not on site's login and registration page.

23. Facebook Application Id
Please enter Facebook Application Id here. You will need to create Facebook Application for App Id and Secret Code. For this please go through this article How to create Facebook Application for CakePHP 2.x User Management Plugin.

24. Facebook Application Secret Code
Please enter Facebook Application Secret Code here. You will need to create Facebook Application for App Id and Secret Code. For this please go through this article How to create Facebook Application for CakePHP 2.x User Management Plugin.

25. Facebook Permissions
Set here facebook permissions which you want to have from users. You may use it for extra permissions for your other work for example getting user's likes etc.

26. Want to use Twitter Connect on your site?
You can set here whether you want to use twitter connect or not on site's login and registration page.

27. Twitter Consumer Key
Please enter Twitter Consumer Key here. You will need to create Twitter Application for Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. For this please go through this article How to create Twitter Application for CakePHP 2.x User Management Plugin.

28. Twitter Consumer Secret
Please enter Twitter Consumer Secret here. You will need to create Twitter Application for Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. For this please go through this article How to create Twitter Application for CakePHP 2.x User Management Plugin.

29. Want to use Gmail Connect on your site?
You can set here whether you want to use gmail connect or not on site's login and registration page.

30. Want to use Yahoo Connect on your site?
You can set here whether you want to use yahoo connect or not on site's login and registration page.

31. Want to use Linkedin Connect on your site?
You can set here whether you want to use linkedin connect or not on site's login and registration page.

32. Linkedin Api Key
Please enter Linkedin Api Key here. You will need to create Linkedin Application for App Key and Secret Key. For this please go through this article How to create Linkedin Application for CakePHP 2.x User Management Plugin.

33. Linkedin Secret Key
Please enter Linkedin Secret Key here. You will need to create Linkedin Application for App Key and Secret Key. For this please go through this article How to create Linkedin Application for CakePHP 2.x User Management Plugin.

34. Want to use Foursquare Connect on your site?
You can set here whether you want to use foursquare connect or not on site's login and registration page.

35. Foursquare Client Id
Please enter Foursquare Client Id here. You will need to create Foursquare Application for Client Id and Client Secret. For this please go through this article How to create Foursquare Application for CakePHP 2.x User Management Plugin.

36. Foursquare Client Secret
Please enter Foursquare Client Secret here. You will need to create Foursquare Application for Client Id and Client Secret. For this please go through this article How to create Foursquare Application for CakePHP 2.x User Management Plugin.

37. You can view online users and guest from last few minutes, set time in minutes
Set time here in minutes. Basically it is used for showing online users last activity for last set time.

38. Do you want to HTTPS for whole site?
If you want to run your whole site on HTTPS please set Yes here.

39. You can set selected urls for HTTPS
If you do not want to run your whole site on HTTPS and want to run some pages on HTTPS for e.g. login, registration page, set comma separated urls. For example users/login, users/register.

40. Image directory name
Enter Image directory name where users profile photos will be uploaded. This directory should be in webroot/img directory

41. Query String no for cache controll
Increase this no by 1 every time when you made any change in CSS and JS file. But keep in mind you should add query string (QRDN) in css and js file include syntax. For more information see the Browser Cache Controll section click here.

42. Remember Me cookie name
Enter the name for your site Remember Me cookie name. Default name is UMPremiumCookie. This will help you for resolving conflict cookie name with other plugin users. Also you can use this plugin code in many projects.

43. Admin Email Address
Enter the email id on which you want to send emails for admin. We send contact enquiry emails to admin.