CakePHP 2.x User Management Basic Plugin Version 1.7.x
Bug Fixes and Improvement Table
From Version | To Version | Changes Date | Links |
1.7.0 | 1.7.1 | 8-Oct-2015 | View |
Plugin Version- 1.7.0 to 1.7.1
Date: 08-Oct-2015
Please keep backup of your code before replacing the files. Either you can replace existing files or do changes in existing code as per new changes.
You can download the old version 1.7.0 and make a difference with your application code using Kdiff3 software and record your changes done in plugin files.
1. Open app\Plugin\Usermgmt\Controller\UserContactsController.php
Go to contactUs function
Replace 'recaptcha_response_field' with 'g-recaptcha-response'
2. Open app\Plugin\Usermgmt\Controller\UsersController.php
Go to login function
Replace 'recaptcha_response_field' with 'g-recaptcha-response'
Go to register function
Replace 'recaptcha_response_field' with 'g-recaptcha-response'
Go to forgotPassword function
Replace 'recaptcha_response_field' with 'g-recaptcha-response'
Go to emailVerification function
Replace 'recaptcha_response_field' with 'g-recaptcha-response'
3. Open app\Plugin\Usermgmt\Controller\Component\UserAuthComponent.php
Go to beforeFilter function
replaceif (!in_array($actionUrl, $allControllers)) {
if (!in_array(strtolower($actionUrl), array_map('strtolower', $allControllers))) {
Go to logout function
delete this line
4. Open app\Plugin\Usermgmt\Model\LoginToken.php
App::uses('AppModel', 'Model');
App::uses('UserMgmtAppModel', 'Usermgmt.Model');
class LoginToken extends AppModel
class LoginToken extends UserMgmtAppModel
5. Open app\Plugin\Usermgmt\Model\User.php
Go to recaptchaValidate function and replace function with following codepublic function recaptchaValidate() {
App::import("Vendor", "Usermgmt.recaptcha/src/autoload");
$recaptcha = new \ReCaptcha\ReCaptcha(PRIVATE_KEY_FROM_RECAPTCHA);
$value = (isset($_POST['g-recaptcha-response'])) ? $_POST['g-recaptcha-response'] : "";
if(!empty($value)) {
$resp = $recaptcha->verify($value);
if(!$resp->isSuccess()) {
$errors = $resp->getErrorCodes();
$this->validationErrors['captcha'][0] = __('Prove you are not a robot');
} else {
$this->validationErrors['captcha'][0] = __('Please select I\'m not a robot');
return true;
6. Open app\Plugin\Usermgmt\Model\UserContact.php
Go to recaptchaValidate function and replace function with following codepublic function recaptchaValidate() {
App::import("Vendor", "Usermgmt.recaptcha/src/autoload");
$recaptcha = new \ReCaptcha\ReCaptcha(PRIVATE_KEY_FROM_RECAPTCHA);
$value = (isset($_POST['g-recaptcha-response'])) ? $_POST['g-recaptcha-response'] : "";
if(!empty($value)) {
$resp = $recaptcha->verify($value);
if(!$resp->isSuccess()) {
$errors = $resp->getErrorCodes();
$this->validationErrors['captcha'][0] = __('Prove you are not a robot');
} else {
$this->validationErrors['captcha'][0] = __('Please select I\'m not a robot');
return true;
7. Open app\Plugin\Usermgmt\Model\UserMgmtAppModel.php
Add following fuction/**
* Used to validate not empty
* @access public
* @return boolean
public function notEmpty($check) {
$value = array_values($check);
$value = $value[0];
if(method_exists(new Validation(), 'notBlank')) {
return Validation::notBlank($value);
} else {
return Validation::notEmpty($value);
8. Replace all files of app\Plugin\Usermgmt\Vendor\recaptcha
9. Open app\Plugin\Usermgmt\View\Elements\contact_us.ctp
remove these lines$this->Form->unlockField('recaptcha_challenge_field');
10. Open app\Plugin\Usermgmt\View\Elements\login.ctp
remove these lines$this->Form->unlockField('recaptcha_challenge_field');
11. Open app\Plugin\Usermgmt\View\Helper\UserAuthHelper.php
var $helpers = array('Session');
var $helpers = array('Session', 'Html', 'Form');
add var $recaptcha_script = false; after var $permissions = array();
Go to showCaptcha function and replace it with following codepublic function showCaptcha($error=null) {
if(!$this->recaptcha_script) {
$this->recaptcha_script = true;
$this->Html->script('', array('inline'=>false));
$code = '<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="'.PUBLIC_KEY_FROM_RECAPTCHA.'"></div>';
$errorMsg = '';
if(!empty($error)) {
$errorMsg = "<div class='error-message'>".$error."</div>";
return $code.$errorMsg;
12. Open app\Plugin\Usermgmt\View\Users\email_verification.ctp
remove these lines$this->Form->unlockField('recaptcha_challenge_field');
13. Open app\Plugin\Usermgmt\View\Users\forgot_password.ctp
remove these lines$this->Form->unlockField('recaptcha_challenge_field');
14. Open app\Plugin\Usermgmt\View\Users\login.ctp
remove these lines$this->Form->unlockField('recaptcha_challenge_field');
15. Open app\Plugin\Usermgmt\View\Users\register.ctp
remove these lines$this->Form->unlockField('recaptcha_challenge_field');